Account disabled. Cannot withdraw. Need help.
Hi everyone. I have an issue with my account. Yesterday I have joined bitstamp and successfully made a deposit. Placed a limit trade last night and this morning I have found out that my account is restricted/disabled. Can’t make deposits or withdrawals, and all trades are also disabled. Is there someone from their support team on Reddit? My ticket number is #BIT-1654902. I hope this issue can be resolved soon. Certainly not the best start.
Going into 4th week and still no solution to my problem. Despite contacting them numerous times they keep ignoring me and are still holding my money without any explanation. Worst service ever!
Yet another update. After one month of silence I received a long awaited email from Bitstamp. They have terminated my account and are refusing to return my money. Somehow I’m not surprised. Thank goodness it’s not a big amount, but it’s still my money!
Would you like to know what’s their excuse is – “Your remaining Bitstamp account balance will be debited as administrative costs”. Really?
Tell me after this that they aren’t scumbags and thieves!!! Stay away from Bitstamp for your own good!!!
Another day has passed and still no response from Bitstamp. They happily took my money, but won’t let me withdraw and keep ignoring me.
An update. It’s been 10 days and still no resolution in sight. Only a short message to say that they are looking into the matter, but no mention as to when can I expect this issue to be resolved. Very unprofessional to say the least.
Take care when dealing with this company. They can simply freeze your account and money and it will take ages to get it back if ever.
A quick update. 2 weeks have passed and still no solution to my issue. My account is still restricted with no access to my money and to no surprise they keep ignoring me.
Hi there!
I can see you already have an open ticket about this. I would suggest you wait for a reply there as we’re already looking into it and will get back to you when we have more info. 🙂