I’m trying to get all my orders using:

GET /v1/order/orders

Changing the start-date and end-date I’m able to get all I want but there are some days that the order count is greater than 18 I can’t do it.

I tried:

* Changing the size doesn’t make any difference
* If I set the ‘from’ field I’m able to get the next (or previous) orders but I can’t go more than the first 18. If I set from with the 10th order_id I get the next 8 but not the next 18, only the remaining 8 to reach the original 18. In this case I get the next 8 instead of the desire next 18
* Use GET /v1/order/history which works pretty well but limited to last 48hs, size works fine. I wasn’t able to make it work the direct field but 1000 was enough in my case to retrieve the last trades

Thanks in advance!

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