Hello, r/binance community!

Glad to announce that our BSC full nodes were successfully updated to version 1.1.16 and hardfork upgrade went smoothly!

**The updates include:**

* fix the vulnerability in the iavl hash check. This will eventually migrate to ICS23 spec.
* introduce block header in sequence check in [CrossChain Contract](https://github.com/bnb-chain/bsc-genesis-contract/blob/master/contracts/CrossChain.sol#L74).
* make relayer whitelisted to the genesis candidates. There will be further BEPs proposed on how to define the relayer candidates.

If you are a developer or startup that is looking for an access to the last updated version of BSC full nodes dive in to get a free access to the nodes for a month via a NOWNodes API key. [https://nownodes.io/nodes/bsc?utm\_source=reddit&utm\_medium=social&utm\_campaign=bsc](https://nownodes.io/nodes/bsc?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=bsc)

Focus on making your project better and let NOWNodes do the rest!


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1 Comment

  1. See_U_At_Clarkeyquay on 21. November 2022 at 18:32

    will BNB pump because of this update?