Someone know when this it will be possible?

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  1. CurrensKruptos on 13. June 2018 at 14:41

    Hi, cryptomnc! Sorry for the late response. No further news about this. Kindly visit and check our official website for an announcement. Thank you.


  2. marelema on 13. June 2018 at 14:41

    inb4 a mod “please be patient”


  3. MorganCc on 13. June 2018 at 14:41

    Indeed, it’s been awhile. Patience is really a virtue. Perhaps their tech are already into checking this issue. Hopefully, soon enough.


  4. Franzferdinan51 on 13. June 2018 at 14:41

    Little nuts at this point but they did just fix the block issue