

To celebrate [KuCoin](https://www.kucoin.com/)’s 5th anniversary and reward all of our valued users, KuCoin is launching its “0 Fees for Trading BTC & ETH” time-limited event! Take advantage of trading with zero fees!

⏰10:00:00 on October 12, 2022 to 10:00:00 on October 19, 2022 (UTC)


➔ Visit Kucoin now and start trading


  1. HakaseMarui on 26. October 2022 at 22:10

    Good offerGood offer but I do wanna see more trading pairs for ETH and BTC with the other alts too so we can get more trading wwith zero fees


  2. MetallyRetarded on 26. October 2022 at 22:10

    I thought the #KuCointurns5 event was a sink or swim event, but I guess I was wrong because the celebration brought more earnings to my account, and look the event is still ongoing.


  3. SarcasticWasabi on 26. October 2022 at 22:10

    I feel a little bit of good breeze with this event. this is with regards to kucoins 5th anniv yes so I think there will be more bigger events to come.


  4. Early_Guidance9104 on 26. October 2022 at 22:10

    How about zero fees for KCS trading pairs? that would be an awesome Halloween treat


  5. OkPhotograph1 on 26. October 2022 at 22:10

    That one appears to be good. I intend to take advantage of it. hugely helpful to all Bitcoin and Ethereum day brokers. just a noob had the audacity to snub this tbh