Hello everybody, I have created a bot that will send a notification to your phone when one of your orders updates on Binance, using an app called Slack. It will simply give you a notification when one of your trades updates. The notification will tell you which coin and how much of it was traded into. It will notify you if your order partially completes in addition to when it fully completes.

I would love for you guys to try it out and give feedback.

The bot can be found here: https://github.com/joshua-cooper/binance-notifications

BTC: 1P8c2oP6BWKDQnEuezw9MHdvPQwBBhM6Zj

It is also possible to send the notifications via e-mail. If you want me to add that functionality then I will. If you have any questions, just ask.

➔ Visit Binance now and start trading


  1. nicky009p on 7. May 2018 at 13:13

    Thanks how do I link this to my account?


  2. praulpagel on 7. May 2018 at 13:13

    Dude, you would think their app would have that notification built-in, but alas…

    Anyway, thanks for the effort. I was interested in making something like this when I’m not being lazy.