How many times can i cancel an order per day?
Hello, guys, i wish all of you to have a lovely day. To begin with, as the title says do i have any restrictions about how many times can i cancel a limit or a stop loss order?
For example, can i cancel more than 20 times per day an order when this is needs?
Should be unlimited? Easy to test out yourself, create something cancel it, do it over and over again.
There is no Limit.
You can cancel it pretty much everytime you wanted to. as long as you have fast internet connection. There will is no limitation for that manner.
Yep – believe there isnβt a restriction
No limit, you can see bots doing this hundreds of hundreds of times a day.
There is no limitation to cancel orders. but why do you need to cancel orders 20 more times? I mean. are you like the guy who keeps withdrawing the wrong coin? then You cancel it because let’s say you accidentally click it? to answer your question Just make sure that you will withdraw the correct coin so that you will not worry about the stop loss order. π
there’s no restriction for cancellation.
Don’t binance’s trading rules imply a limit?
1. You repeatedly “one up” or “front run” the best bid/ask;
2. **You spam orders/cancels very quickly without trading;**
3. **Your “conversion rate” is low; “conversion rate” is ‘numTrades / (orders + cancels)’ over 24hours;**
4. **Your “weight” is low; “weight” is ‘totalTradedQty / (orders + cancels)’ over 24hours;**
5. When trading on symbols that have BNB as the base or quote asset, the amount of abuse score you get for deviating from the norm on the above is amplified.