I sent a USD deposit to Binance unaware that USD deposits are paused. The money left my bank account but didn’t got to my Binance account. How can I get my money back?

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  1. BinanceCSHelp on 24. February 2023 at 21:58

    Hello! It’s more than likely that the transaction will be rejected and the bank will refund it as the payment will not reach its destination, we could check for you if the transaction attempt appears within our system, for that matter come to [Binance.com/en/chat](https://Binance.com/en/chat), open a new chat and send us your Case ID for us to assist you, and in case it doesn’t arrive either way, you may need to reach your bank to reverse the transaction, but let us verify first to assist you!

    For any future inquiry for support, you can come to our Weekly Support Thread pinned at the top of Binance subreddit -LZ-


  2. cr33pt00 on 24. February 2023 at 21:58

    well, the transfer will be rejected and the money will come back after a few days I guess.


  3. Boohan33 on 24. February 2023 at 21:58

    So are ACH deposits and withdrawal suspended in the U.S.?