I was banned from the official binance Spanish telegram channel for asking about the future of BUSD

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  1. charmilliona1re on 30. March 2023 at 23:08

    Yeah there’s definitely nothing more behind this lmao


  2. barsoapguy on 30. March 2023 at 23:08



  3. bitbytebot on 30. March 2023 at 23:08

    Again the bots are trying to spread FUD.
    I’m depositing even more to Binance. I see it more as a donation and everyone else should too.


  4. BinanceCSHelp on 30. March 2023 at 23:08

    Good day, to provide more support on this matter, please kindly reach out to Binanceresolutions on Telegram for discussion. Thank you – JJ