I hadn’t used bitstamp in a long time, so i get the need to reset some things but this is a bit much. First I had to unblock my account, take pics of id front and back, record a video looking left and reciting some numbers. Many hours later, account unblocked but need to reset 2FA. Pics of id, record video again, wait another bunch of hours.

Now finally I can get into the app, but I can’t do anything because it says my account isn’t secure enough. It required me to get google authenticator and it wants me to get a code and put it in the bitstamp app. The problem is, when you switch over to the google auth app to get the number and go back to bitstamp, it resets the process and this renders the code invalid.

Submitted a support request over 13 hours ago… I don’t see how they’re going to be able to do anything but redesign this process on the app… Time will tell I guess…

Edit: BIT-794176

1 Comment

  1. Bitstamp-Domen on 14. August 2022 at 16:15

    Sorry to hear about the issue! New 2FA codes are generated every 30 seconds. I suggest you wait in the authenticator app until a new code shows up and copy it right away, you’ll then have 30 seconds to change to our app and provide the code in order to successfully log in.