My binance account possibly hacked
Please help me if you have had such issue with your account.
Today I tried to watch my binance app on my phone as I usually do every few hours to see my transactions are updated.
When opened my app, it already logged off and asked for login again which I did.
When enter username and password and clicked login it said your password is wrong, so I thought I forgot my password and later read on paper and did nothing.
Few minutes later, when checked my email i got 3 emails from binance: the first one said you asked for password reset, the second one which appeared after 4 min, said your password change was successful. The 3rd email said reset your Google authenticator.
What I did just follow the security measure and disable my account and contact binance support team which so far waiting for their response.
I got those 3 emails while I didn’t ask for any of those action. Not asked for password reset, not changed my password, not ask to reset my Google authenticator.
Any of you guy have had such issue before? Also if enlighten me how think like this happens with binance at it has few layers of security?
Sounds like someone got access to your email.
So many people with 2FA on their binance account but no 2FA on their email..
What kind of phone do you have?
Do you have a Android Phone? Does your mail provider support f2a?