Wanna try new algo crypto bots on Binance..


I had been successfully using 3rd party service (3commas) to automate my spot trading during flat market periods for 2 years before the company focked up and their users’ API keys were leaked to public access by the hackers…
(the article link https://blockworks.co/news/crypto-trading-bot-platform-3commas-rocked-by-critical-api-leak)
That was unlucky..and it almost cost me a professional disappointment heartbreak…
Then I found other 3rd party algo trading platforms similar to 3commas.
2 of them that I liked the most are Pionix and Bitsgap.
But I’m still not exactly sure which one is better and why. Any thoughts on that, Binancians?


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  1. _-oIo-_ on 5. March 2023 at 22:22

    Some people need to be scammed over and over again…. Happy greed!