What’s wrong with KuCoin referrals right now?


Back in Dec / Jan I managed to rake in about 160 referrals but now after going hard for two days, harder than I was last time I haven’t gotten a single one.

I thought I got 5 but it turns out that looking at older screenshots I had this many referrals earlier in the year…

So what’s wrong? I tried creating a fake account using my own referral link and it WORKED, I went from 65 to 66 indirect referrals. Then I tried using my phone on data, that also worked and I went to 67.

But how come with almost a thousand people looking at my posts / videos / guides / etc, not a single bite? Meanwhile back in Dec / Jan I would make one shitpost to 4chan that got one reply and gain 10 referrals just like that?

Has KuCoin reached the equilibrium? Are there no more new people to bring to this exchange? I really find it hard to believe that I can’t gain a single referral after putting in so much effort when it was so easy just a few months ago…


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  1. Blekpill on 17. May 2018 at 13:55

    Why am I being downvoted? Everything I post here is downvoted. Is KuCoin trying to silence me here? Are people in here this shitty?