Where can I stake BNB?
It seems all staking pools for BNB on Binance are complete for a good while now… where can I stake it alternatively?
It seems all staking pools for BNB on Binance are complete for a good while now… where can I stake it alternatively?
Stake BNB with Trust Wallet and choose from the range of delegators to earn BNB staking rewards.
As for now all staking options with BNB except for 120 days are really sold out,
You could follow the staking page as we open new subscriptions constantly
Or you could consider using alternative products such as Liquid Swap, where there is a chance to receive a higher APR – https://www.binance.com/en/swap/pool
Or BNB Vault until the subscription for staking would be opened again – https://www.binance.com/en/bnb-vault
You can try to have it staked on other platforms like [Helix](https://helix.finance/farms?chain=bsc) in a paired farm.
You just have to check it several times a day. I have never failed to get my BNB staked away for 30 or 60 days, though 90 is hard to come by. For reference, I am staking my received BNB cashback and staking rewards daily and have been doing it that way for 2 years. No failures. You just have to monitor it and probably putting any terms you have on autostake will help you out once you do get staked.
Have you tried Helix?
Try Youhodler
I would recommend staking directly on [https://www.bnbchain.org/en/staking](https://www.bnbchain.org/en/staking). I’ve compared these to the in-app staking, and the returns are better here, except for the 120 days one (which is always full anyways)
You can try Grizzly.fi, they just launched 2 weeks ago in Switzerland. You can also stake it with stablecoins
moved all my bnb to nexo
Binance stake is a good option because you can earn cashbacks from binance card
Send it to my wallet, i give you your interest
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You can check out Uphold. Uphold has good options for staking crypto and allows rewards to be added together to get the highest returns, which can be as high as 19.5% per year.
If you care about binance card cashback levels, just put it on flexible defi staking, which has about 4% API.
If you don’t, just put it on liquid swap with a stable coin.
Binance for staking. But check out liquid staking by pstake as well. More rewards for LPs.
U have 2 options:
Locked 120 days
Defi flexible!
Staking rewards are terrible for BNB better to farm, i use pancakeswap sometimes or helix more recently, would advise you to ignore the spam farms out there and just go for audited platforms
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Send it to my wallet. I will guard it for you :))