🔥🔥 Airdrop EOPT 🔥🔥 Crypto Binary Options Token … $200 worth. The team has won top VC’s investment.
[♦️ GET 1,000 EOPT Tokens for Free!!!](http://airdrop.easyoption.io/#v41h9l82j2g
[Just enter Eth address](http://airdrop.easyoption.io/#v41h9l82j2g
[♦️ EOPT is the token of EasyOption, which is the first global cryptocurrencies binary options trading platform.](http://airdrop.easyoption.io/#v41h9l82j2g
[♦️The team has won top VC’s investment.](http://airdrop.easyoption.io/#v41h9l82j2g
[♦️ Get EOPT, you have oppurtunity to get 100,000 EOS.](http://airdrop.easyoption.io/#v41h9l82j2g
[The total bonus is 100,000 EOS, worth 1.5 million US dollars. TOP 1000 EOPT token holders will DIVIDE all the 100,000 EOS Proportional to the number of tokens they hold EOPT is the token of EasyOption.io platform, will be traded on exchange. 1 EOPT = $0.2 ](http://airdrop.easyoption.io/#v41h9l82j2g