The post mentioned that some “2fa keys” were compromised during the incident. Does this mean we should be regenerating our 2FAs?

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  1. ychok on 18. July 2019 at 23:11

    just reset just in case, doesnt take long


  2. trickleupup on 18. July 2019 at 23:11

    It will make sense that Binance users should disable it and create a new one.


  3. freedomelectronics on 18. July 2019 at 23:11

    never use sms 2fa always use time based 2fa


  4. NotoriousEEDN on 18. July 2019 at 23:11

    How can we do that??


  5. yogurtisfun on 18. July 2019 at 23:11

    Can someone guide on how to go about resetting 2fa on Google authenticator?


  6. darcytheINFP on 18. July 2019 at 23:11

    Reset, just to make sure


  7. Kuroverse on 18. July 2019 at 23:11

    Changed and starting using a different app. DO NOT USE SMS.


  8. SeriousGandu on 18. July 2019 at 23:11

    API reset that is being asked is not the same as the Google Authenticator? I technically do not need to change that, right?


  9. sizzlethreads on 18. July 2019 at 23:11

    I changed my phone and I can’t find the safety key. I’ve tried resetting but I keep getting stuck at a point where it asks me exactly how much ETH my account has/ or my eth address. It’s been over a year since I invested in etherium and I don’t have the address saved. I have a couple other other addresses tho such as Bitcoin and Ripple but it won’t let me use them. I have tried contacting binance and they send me back to the same link. Is there a support center where I can talk to someone on the phone to get this fixed?


  10. mdkb on 18. July 2019 at 23:11

    safu af 2fa init


  11. UsernameIWontRegret on 18. July 2019 at 23:11

    If I have SMS 2FA I’m still fine, right?


  12. EternitySphere on 18. July 2019 at 23:11

    The problem is the use of API through shady/untrusted sources, phishing, and virus/keyloggers.


  13. rocketleaguetraders on 18. July 2019 at 23:11

    Oh shoot I’m going to have to do this aswell, I had 17k in the bull run. More like 400 usd now rip


  14. ZeroDaTroll on 18. July 2019 at 23:11

    Am I the only one who resets 2FAs almost every week?


  15. MalcolmRoseGaming on 18. July 2019 at 23:11

    I just reset mine. All you have to do is disable it and re-enable it – very straightforward process as long as you still have the old key.


  16. BinanceCS on 18. July 2019 at 23:11

    Hi there, we fully understand your concerns and hope you could read the updates regarding the security breach as below.


    Changing a strong password and reset 2FA either Google Authentication or SMS verification will be much suggested. Thanks.


  17. hashx92 on 18. July 2019 at 23:11

    I got my account locked 10 days ago.. I suspect it was because I had reset my 2FA

    Just saying their security system is not that good.


  18. AbdullahAdBudjahett on 18. July 2019 at 23:11

    Well, I think we should reset. And hard. Better by upgrading the list of available 2FAs. F.e. the hack wouldn’t even appear if Binance used 2FA on the blockchain, introduced by some blockchain messenger – []( . The changes are to be significant, otherwise, they are not changes.