Binance always goes down when big swings happen

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  1. Aqui1ux on 11. December 2018 at 18:24

    Other way around. People see Binance scheduled maintenance and find it to be the perfect opportunity to manipulate the market while tons of people are stranded and confused.


  2. 01110000-01101001 on 11. December 2018 at 18:24

    My orders are going crazy don’t know whether i sold or bought all are showing simultaneously


  3. Trucomallica on 11. December 2018 at 18:24

    I did some trades in the browser but they didn’t show there and I kept logging me off. Now I’m using the Android app and it shows that I’m out of those positions.


  4. Bjerickson83 on 11. December 2018 at 18:24

    I lost BIG because I couldn’t buy back before it went back up.


  5. rulesForPants on 11. December 2018 at 18:24

    Seriously, this is the second time this has happened when something big happened. Once they sort the issue this is the last time I am going to keep anything huge with these guys. Probably lost the chance to make around 5-6% :S


  6. newprofile15 on 11. December 2018 at 18:24

    Wow it’s almost as if cryptocurrencies are a huge concerted fraud!


  7. xanhugh on 11. December 2018 at 18:24

    Probably some anti-hacking failsafe to temp lock everything up.


    Either that, or Binance just crashed the market.


    Go look at the PAX chart, that shit dropped by 90% off the bottom of the chart


  8. [deleted] on 11. December 2018 at 18:24



  9. beautifulindication on 11. December 2018 at 18:24

    Nothing new with it I guess.


  10. FreeFactoid on 11. December 2018 at 18:24

    Why we need decentralised exchanges


  11. s1lverbox on 11. December 2018 at 18:24

    Guys for faster interaction just use android app which h uses API. Browser binance is crap in busy periods. Open trading view on alts u want and create trades using mobile client.

    Much faster and more reliable.


  12. BinanceCS on 11. December 2018 at 18:24

    Hi, sorry for the trouble! We knew this problem and we are working on it now, your patience would be much appreciated.