BTC holder be like : [ad_1] BTC holder be like : [ad_2] ➔ Visit Kucoin now and start trading Posted in Kucoin Reddit
Looks like I gotta watch Evan all mighty again
This was a really good edit.
i’ll buy more BTC ! ’cause btc will last more than fiats
This is great
Whats that techno song, its catchy
Something we should be really feeling right now with BTC! Gonna triumph for ages so we should really bag it.
Legit zoned out watching this lmao
This is the greatest Bitcoin meme ever created.
This is fn awesome you win the whole damn week
Did I just watch a Hollywood masterpiece or a meme?
This made me want to fomo buy
kinna accurate but nah.. you know what I mean?
Participating BTC and ETH Trading Bot contest, its better than just holding it
Yes. And I’m a proud $OGN holder.