This has been brought up so many times its not even funny. It’s such a blatant and glaring security hole, that it makes this additional security step useless. I don’t understand how this still hasn’t been fixed, its quite sad at this point to be honest….

If its not obvious I am talking about how you need to enter your 2FA code a second time to make any trades. What the hell is the point of this, if you can use the same 2FA code that you logged in with?

Honestly this doesn’t give me much faith in the backend of kucoins security…..

You guys have had so much time to fix these little issues.

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  1. Kegsta on 6. October 2018 at 17:49

    I always thought the main purpose of the second prompt is so if you leave your browser logged in and someone comes along later they won’t be able to make any trades on your open browser.


  2. stoopslife on 6. October 2018 at 17:49

    Doesn’t Binance do the same thing? And Coinbase when you input a transfer?

    2FA codes change every 10 seconds or so. This means a hacker needs to steal your code not just at login, but also again later. This means that if you get phished a login page, they can’t use your code to make trades. They need to trick you into providing the 2FA code again a second time.

    It’s not much but it’s something.