UPDATE — Binance instructions are next to useless BUT I was able to get the deposit to work.

When you click the “deposit” button you will see
EOS Deposit, followed by a 10 digit numbrer
EOS Deposit Address, followed by “binanceleos”

when you want to deposit from an EOS wallet
but the Deposit Address in the “Send to (account name)” field
and put that 10 digit number (which EOS support refers to as a “tag” even though it is not labeled as a tag on the website” in the “memo” field.

Also, as always, send a small “test” transaction first.

Your instructions state

“Both a MEMO and an Address are required to successfully deposit your EOS to Binance”

But — incredibly — you do not explain what should go in the Memo field and what should go in the address field.

You list binancecleos as the EOS deposit address

and under
EOS Deposits :
****[number redacted]****

Which one goes in the memo field?

➔ Visit Binance now and start trading


  1. cryptobull123 on 2. August 2018 at 15:27

    I have a better idea… just sell all of your EOS and never buy again.


  2. coswell on 2. August 2018 at 15:27

    Here is the official response from EOS

    Hello ,

    Eos now is a “memo token ” which all users EOS deposit address are the same , but the difference is about the tag number , so if you wish to deposit EOS to Binance , you have to copy the EOS deposit address and tag number in the same time ( both are necessarily) then fill in them from your withdrawal platform , and then your transaction will get credited , please note . and we will recover the EOS withdrawal function asap . sorry for the inconvenience ,
    thanks for your support !


  3. MarcusWales on 2. August 2018 at 15:27

    That is why many people prefer to use centralized exchanges