Hi, how does cross futures works? This trader is up 451.95% on 9.5x leverage even though ETH only took 5% pump.


Hi, how does cross futures works? This trader is up 451.95% on 9.5x leverage even though ETH only took 5% pump.


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  1. Nolmes_ on 24. August 2022 at 15:56

    He leveraged 100x, it goes up 1% you go up 100% and vice versa, don’t try usually the exchange are rigged against high leverages


  2. Embarrassed-Egg-545 on 24. August 2022 at 15:56

    They scaled in. The PNL is based in their original buy in, as they scale in the % stays linked to the first trade. The real % PNL in the whole trade is much lower, obviously. Look at the capital trade amount and leverage


  3. JoeYo743 on 24. August 2022 at 15:56

    The casino always win. He should close the position while in profit or else bye bye amigo


  4. baloneyum on 24. August 2022 at 15:56

    If you want to learn how to trade with leverage start with one dollar. You only need to double one dollar 20 times to be a millionaire.



  5. ASuhDuddde on 24. August 2022 at 15:56

    Playing with derivatives and you don’t even understand the fundamentals.


  6. Orangensaft007 on 24. August 2022 at 15:56

    Yea depends on the exchange.. but yea there is something fishy going on with FTX.. I was not able to fully use my 20x leverage but only 2x on Rune..


  7. ApplicationNearby320 on 24. August 2022 at 15:56

    Cross is for the collateral meaning if it goes down all wallets will cover his losses


  8. AE86fujiwara on 24. August 2022 at 15:56

    High Risk, High Profit on Futures. I just use Leveraged tokens or ETF for my daily trading.


  9. DanMcgowany on 24. August 2022 at 15:56

    Cryptography has completely skewed the leverage game.


  10. Alternative-Onion-45 on 24. August 2022 at 15:56

    ^ what my screen looked like on my road to losing 100k leverage trading crypto


  11. caroling_jones on 24. August 2022 at 15:56

    He leveraged 100x, so if it rises 1%, you rise 100%, and vice versa. Don’t do it because most exchanges are set against big leverages.


  12. Emergency_Ad1150 on 24. August 2022 at 15:56

    How you do this trading


  13. Defiant-Young118 on 24. August 2022 at 15:56

    Yes it is forex


  14. No-Lettuce8139 on 24. August 2022 at 15:56

    Who can help with paying rent for housing, at least $ 1 each. Binance Pay id 230884094