For which coin or token do you think this is for?

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  1. ttorzewski on 21. March 2023 at 3:24

    RBIF is my top choice, MATIC and ALI to round out top 3.


  2. ClearFrame6334 on 21. March 2023 at 3:24

    I think that guy ended up buying Twitter and being a billionaire.


  3. Dharma_code on 21. March 2023 at 3:24

    The fact that they added vintage looking captions to make it even more real is A+ now I’m going to buy more


  4. YandrV on 21. March 2023 at 3:24

    R/cryptocurrency Moons, it’s the only answer other than Monero


  5. Terrible_Sun on 21. March 2023 at 3:24

    Dont buy any coin or token just because you heard its good. you have to dyor and TA


  6. CentVeteran on 21. March 2023 at 3:24

    KCS, BTC, XRP my top 3


  7. ProfessionalMuffin4 on 21. March 2023 at 3:24

    BTC, KCS, ETH, XRP, ADA, DOGE and more with this weekend


  8. Cultural_Buddy_1714 on 21. March 2023 at 3:24



  9. Cultural_Buddy_1714 on 21. March 2023 at 3:24

    Loop network


  10. primeurke on 21. March 2023 at 3:24

    ORE and CTSI. Is that Elon though?


  11. Visible_Restaurant_8 on 21. March 2023 at 3:24

    GRAIL (Camelot)?


  12. wowplayer28 on 21. March 2023 at 3:24

    CFX all the way !