To help streamline things on the Subreddit, please use the [weekly support thread]( for any support-related concerns.

As much as possible, we ask that you use the dedicated support channel to [submit a ticket](

If you are new to [KuCoin]( we strongly recommend you visit the [KuCoin Help Center]( and check the [FAQ]( first.

If you need assistance, here’s how to reach the KuCoin Support team:

1. KuCoin website: Click “[Submit a Ticket](” on the homepage footer or select “[Submit a request](” in the KuCoin Help Center
2. KuCoin app: Go to Account in the top left corner, then select “Support” > “Submit A Request”

Please refrain from submitting multiple tickets.

**Due to the large volume of support inquiries lately, it may take a little bit longer for our support team to reply to your email. You can comment your ticket number under this post, and our Reddit moderators will help to follow up on your case.**

Also, in line with our goal of streamlining things on the Subreddit, we’ll be summarizing our other news into their own posts:

KuCoin Service Status (March 20 – March 26, 2023)

KuCoin Campaigns (March 20 – March 26, 2023)

New KuCoin Listing (March 20 – March 26, 2023)

**⚠️Reminder❗** Please keep in mind that we cannot provide any official support in this [subreddit]( as our support desk can only be reached via the website. Recent reports show that there are many scammers out there acting as Official KuCoin Moderator or Support. **Please be wary!** Official moderators of this sub will **NEVER** ask for anything on your end other than your ticket number to help escalate the request. If you run into any of these issues and you’re unable to verify things further, there is a [list of moderators]( here that you can possibly check.

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  1. Fun_Establishment948 on 30. March 2023 at 3:36

    Can you help with ticket 2662579?


  2. canthandletheboss on 30. March 2023 at 3:36

    Ticket 2666202 – I am having issues here. I cannot figure out who KYCed the account – its either me or my wife. but since KuCoin doesn’t provide even the name of the account, I also don’t want to provide the wrong KYC info.

    I don’t understand why we need to do KYC again when we are the account owners and provided trading password, 2fa and email verification in addition to the password of the account. can you help?

    either process withdraw or at least give me the name so I know if I should provide my name or my wife.