hi, my friend just logged in to his binance account and his $800 worth in spot crypto are not there anymore. There’s absolutely no trace of transaction or trading whatsoever. He has just contacted binance help desk on twitter, but in the meanwhile, do you guys know what could be the problem?

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  1. DeepMoneyAF on 23. April 2022 at 12:21

    Check the earn tab


  2. Interesting-Year-483 on 23. April 2022 at 12:21

    It could be that he’s logging into the wrong account


  3. _-oIo-_ on 23. April 2022 at 12:21

    Have a look in the transaction history.


  4. marco18632 on 23. April 2022 at 12:21

    Did he stake it or provide liquidity? That usually removes it from fiat.


  5. Blvcktony on 23. April 2022 at 12:21

    Check the overview tab


  6. treev22 on 23. April 2022 at 12:21

    Maybe go to “deposit” copy the address and look it up on bscscan.com ?


  7. realfdi on 23. April 2022 at 12:21

    All of our money disappearing, don’t worry


  8. mozilaip on 23. April 2022 at 12:21

    Actually, I experienced the same recently. Logged in and seems like a have a brand new empty account, no assets, no verification, no settings, no name.

    Waiting for support to respond…


  9. ad-Reddit-Geese on 23. April 2022 at 12:21

    Do you see deposits? Otherwise, try his other email.


  10. Character-Piglet-665 on 23. April 2022 at 12:21

    This has happened to me also. I’m in California and once the ban happened I logged in to get my crypto and it was all mostly gone.


  11. MundaneEntrance4756 on 23. April 2022 at 12:21

    Maybe you got sim swapped or phished into giving your creds to a fake site. I have had some boogies binance emails lately.


  12. nfc_1024 on 23. April 2022 at 12:21

    You have the auto-earn option turned on 🙂 Check the tab> wallet> earn


  13. Equivalent-Gas-9187 on 23. April 2022 at 12:21

    Which is the crypto that your friend got his money on it? Sometimes some cryptos can be suspended from the binance for various reasons and this could make the money not showing.
    Check and google about that crypto, also check the announcements. They never suspend any crypto without announcement.


  14. Odgan34 on 23. April 2022 at 12:21

    I see several times this types of topics, it is real or just noob/inatention user ?


  15. Force-Impressive on 23. April 2022 at 12:21

    His login probs just expired. Tell him to re log in


  16. interloper76 on 23. April 2022 at 12:21

    what is the issue exactly?

    you sure that you did not put any order on your crypto, and it is “locked” there?



  17. FingersX on 23. April 2022 at 12:21

    thats a binance feature


  18. Rauvin_Of_Selune on 23. April 2022 at 12:21

    Had a similar issue where my investment was not showing…. It was my only one, so I could not verify if it was an anomaly or not ..

    I deleted the app, reinstalled and logged 8n again… Everything was showing correctly once I completed this (don’t know if just logging out and back in again would work as well)

    Don’t know if it will help, but it solved my issue (never discovered why it wasn’t showing correctly, but it hasn’t repeated)


  19. interloper76 on 23. April 2022 at 12:21

    …and ? what is the situation? do you see your money now in the account? what was the reason?

    or you just started topic with money disappearing to also disappear ? 🙂


  20. silverated on 23. April 2022 at 12:21

    bro any updates??