What are your thoughts on holding crypto in a retirement account?

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  1. fanzakh on 20. April 2022 at 12:17

    Through gbtc or the likes? Or are we talking self directed IRA? Unless you have quite a bit and plan to do roth IRA, I don’t see the point of taking the SD route.


  2. Hot-Bath-9817 on 20. April 2022 at 12:17

    I’m down for that but will it be decentralized? My retirement token is DVDX and I have been collecting large bags of it, I would want to hold it and retire to an island. Will it be safe where it is being hodl?


  3. jnk_jnk on 20. April 2022 at 12:17

    Provided it was managed, and using stable coins this style of investment pension is currently available. It’s “high risk” which is to be expected. The returns are probably similar to any managed high risk investment.

    For myself, hodl’ing a stable coin until I’m 70/80? I’ll probably get dementia and forget the wallet seed.


  4. Starbimlaw1 on 20. April 2022 at 12:17

    I don’t really know much about that but I can guarantee that holding on Phemex has been a blessing to me because holding your assets there comes with alot of incentives to enjoy.


  5. Anabu1 on 20. April 2022 at 12:17

    Is there a retirement account for crypto? I never knew about it tho but I know you can hold your coins on Phemex exchange too.