Is this a binance mistake? Smallest duration offers highest apy

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  1. xixoa on 16. May 2022 at 12:48

    I have seen it with different coins and I stacked it when I caught it with this much higher APY.

    They might offer much higher APY for a short duration, not the usual 30, 60, 90, … days

    but there is a cap on the max ammount of tokens you can stack.


  2. atomicgirlwonder on 16. May 2022 at 12:48

    Is this Binance US? I don’t even see a 21 day option. Perhaps it has a low maximum number of how much you can stake.


  3. ItsMerrick on 16. May 2022 at 12:48

    It’s not a mistake but your only aloud to stake a small amount per user hence the high APY