It’s always like this cry emoji x10

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  1. See_U_At_Clarkeyquay on 29. November 2022 at 23:19

    Don’t focus on one token


  2. TripleReward on 29. November 2022 at 23:19

    Thats why you DYOR: Some food takes longer to prepare than others and you can optimize what you buy to get food faster.

    In crypto it means: Dont buy useless shitcoins, like ADA, SOL, LUNA, TRX, …


  3. FitUnderstanding6 on 29. November 2022 at 23:19

    why do you have only 1 bag though? dont put all your eggs in one basket.



  4. MindOverNachos on 29. November 2022 at 23:19

    Just hold KCS, BTC, ETH bro then you’re good


  5. Wrangler_Sharkkh on 29. November 2022 at 23:19

    Dont put all your eggs in one basket


  6. PowerPowell on 29. November 2022 at 23:19

    Market seems to be on the perfect state for bagging some more. Better take the opportunity and buy the dip


  7. PianoLeather1306 on 29. November 2022 at 23:19

    Just bag and hold those coin that are potentially will pump once bull market enters again