1. coi-coi on 27. February 2019 at 21:02

    I think an article by someone that cannot even take the time to verify information they present in the first few sentences; and is released right around the launch of KuCoins platform is more likely to be a hit piece than an evidence driven article.


  2. TabletBank on 27. February 2019 at 21:02

    I expect every exchange to do this … kucoin just does this pretty/too obviously…


  3. kerfloyd on 27. February 2019 at 21:02

    This type of news are not new in crypto world. These accusations of wash trading has not even proven yet.


  4. sidurq on 27. February 2019 at 21:02

    Author, Isabel Woodford, is sister to the CEO of Seed CX exchange. I don’t see how much wash trading could have occurred at the daily reported volumes of those tokens she mentioned. Marketing campaign (as much as I dislike them), does not equal wash trading. The real question is why accuse an exchange with such low volume compared to others of wash trading?


  5. zonfar on 27. February 2019 at 21:02

    I once liked Kucoin, and their ux.

    Im done however.
    Sad for projects who can’t afford to bribe their way forward even after paying the listing-fees and “required price for marketing together with listing-fee”.