I was looking to create a comparing list of exchanges, providing the most reliable and wide-range security tools for its users. Cause, as we see, more and more trading platforms are appearing, offering pretty similar interfaces, apps, etc. So I thought the matter of security could make it clear on the best ones, really carrying about trader’s funds’ safety and proper environment. In the meanwhile, I concentrated myself on what does Huobi for this topic. Here we go. Huobi provides everyone with really safe features by default, at the first look. But it’s actually not. Devs are making me attach the whole account to the phone number.

That’s pretty dumb. Countries with the biggest need in crypto, like Turkey, Iran, Venez(uela), have huge problems with that. F.e. mobile operators are FULLY controlled by governments. Knowing about the chance of blackmailing by gov or its special agencies, get logged-in to Huobi is no big deal – either a very little deal. What’re more, emails? Have you seen those archives with hundreds of thousands, millions of leaked email data of some special group of people or users? Not serious, guys.

The only thing here I found OK is Google’s 2FA, second-factor auth. Maybe that can keep your fund safe at the final stage of very black withdrawing. But why amount all the 2FAs, you chose exactly Googles as exclusive? It has many problems with versions update as well as no cross-devices support. If I lose my iphone with installed google 2fa, I’ll have a thousand of problems to deal with by recovering the whole control over the account.

**Please, make security executive/security team research the possibility of additional 2FA’s.**

I personally know a few good options for free-source 2FAs with a wide range of users. Not to mention march release of 2FA service by ADAMANT, which sends confirmation codes as blockchain transactions with encrypted messages content –[https://medium.com/adamant-im/presenting-adamant-2fa-838db2322f7a](https://medium.com/adamant-im/presenting-adamant-2fa-838db2322f7a). That’s a geeky option, you’d need something more popular, there are a still hundred of analogs. ***Reliability-improving tools have to expand.***

Security of Huobi now deals with relatively still hype. But if, when it will get its boom point, the matter of security will be the first priority. Traditional trading markets and exchanges have gone crazy spending billions to security maintenance, soon it’ll be Huobi’s turn as the first representative of mass crypto trading over the world and thousands of jurisdictions.
Please, think about it. If possible, forward to the **dev** team.

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