
I have a kucoin account and being dumb i did not save my key for kucoin at the beginning. i recently got a brand new phone. now my kucoin account is linked to my google autheticator but it doesn’t show up and i can’t add it. please help i need access to my kucoin account.

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  1. CurrensKruptos on 3. May 2018 at 13:28

  2. Canyayasis on 3. May 2018 at 13:28

    Good luck, man


  3. TrinaTyler on 3. May 2018 at 13:28

    We highly suggest you to submit a request to their support team for further assistance. Kindly visit this link: https://support.kucoin.com/hc/en-us/requests/new


  4. Kashmerely001 on 3. May 2018 at 13:28

    Contact their online support or submit a request to properly address your concern.


  5. Dingbang1988 on 3. May 2018 at 13:28

    Same problem before I’ve lost my phone and the new phone / new google Authenticator keep failing. Then I can’t access my account that time. So I decided to contact support. They help me to unbind first my google 2FA and I asked for assistance.
    Well hope that you will do the same And that problem might be fixed asap. Good luck to you mate.


  6. ElectricalTheory on 3. May 2018 at 13:28

    Better save your masterkey or the 16 digit number, so that you can unbind your 2FA without contact their support.