I have received plenty of text messages from Kucoin. I have not however, been able to receive a text message trying to log in. I also need it to set up my email. I need help on trying to fix this. Let me know what I should do to fix this problem.

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  1. kucoin_moderator on 30. August 2020 at 10:54

    Please check out this [guide](https://support.kucoin.plus/hc/en-us/articles/360015206853-Cannot-Receive-Email-Code-SMS-message), this will help you solve the issue. Thank you!


  2. Snoo-32578 on 30. August 2020 at 10:54

    Same thing happened to me. Seems to be a fault with their new site. Top right hand corner gives you the option to use their old site. Use their old site and this will fix it.