

Watch to earn!

Watch the DOT giveaway video and find out the latest updates on Polkadot: [https://bit.ly/3NqWo5U](https://bit.ly/3NqWo5U)

Also check out how to earn $5,000 by participating in KuCoin’s Polkadot Ecosystem Carnival Activity in the video comments.

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  1. AE86fujiwara on 12. July 2022 at 14:42

    Polkadot Decoded is back for its third edition on June 29th and 30th, 2022, with a fully hybrid experience of online and in-person events. This year’s program features talks, demos and interactive workshops on all things Polkadot. I can see why KuCoin have Polkadot Ecosystem Carnival event.


  2. Inside__Sheepherder on 12. July 2022 at 14:42

    Aint too late for polkadot event here in kucoin and im glad we finally got one! Got to participate now to grab some rewards!