Problems with connecting Main Wallet to Pancakeswap


I am currently trying to connect my Main Wallet from Binance to Pancakeswap so I can invest in some tokens, however when I connect with my Main Wallet (through Binance’s official wallet: Trust), it seem the address to my BNB is way off. As well, Pancakeswap claim my account contains of 0, even if I do have about 100 USD worth of BNB. And yes, I chose the option BNB Smart Chain.

Do you guys have any idea what to do?


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  1. UnderdogDK on 14. September 2022 at 16:24

    Problems solved! It was one of those “why didn’t I see that from the beginning, I feel dumb” kind of issues…. but now it is fixed, problem solved. Me happy


  2. Djhorowitz1 on 14. September 2022 at 16:24

    I don’t think you should do that


  3. [deleted] on 14. September 2022 at 16:24



  4. Dreamster_NFT on 14. September 2022 at 16:24

    Most of the time, this happens when you try to use PancakeSwap on a browser other than the DApp browser that Trust Wallet gives you. You will get this error because Trust Wallet is not compatible with standard browsers like Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge.