As the People’s Exchange, we would like to show our gratitude to users who have always supported us and attempted to participate in the Spotlight Token Sale but failed to get a share of the MultiVAC tokens with our rewards plan for the Token Sale.

We also have another GREAT announcement. We have decided to do a special round of the Spotlight sale with MultiVAC this coming Tuesday. It will be another first-come first-served session with a fixed share of 120 USD worth of MTV token per user. Users will not need to input the purchase amount or trading password, and Google Recaptcha Verification will be required before users’ orders are placed on our system.

Read more about our rewards plan for the Token Sale on:

➔ Visit Kucoin now and start trading


  1. IndependentACristian on 5. April 2019 at 21:45

    Fair enough, users who failed to purchase deserved this, kucoin is indeed the people exchange. The users will always be your first priority, definitely the reason why i chose kucoin and people are starting to recognize this exchange, keep it up!


  2. fintube2020 on 5. April 2019 at 21:45

    I sold all my KSC after failed Spotlight do i still get the free airdrop?