Some strange thing happened to me, 4th april.
I was logged in to binance, and logged off, 4th April.
Then when I logged in again, I couldn’t, the password didn’t match.
I requested and changed the password to a new one that myself created – and I could login with that. I had nothing on my funds, except dust, so I couldn’t lose anything/have not lost anything.
I had no notice in email, about logins at times that myself didn’t login.
Then some days went, and I tried to login again – but I couldn’t login with my new password.
Then I tried the old password.
And the old password worked.
I thought I wanted to share that info. I still have the email I got from you, 【Binance】Password changed From <ip> <date> (where I got the new password, 4th April). I am still using the old password now, though I should probably change again, but I have no funds on my account right now.
Any information about this?
Edit: I use 2fa, and have used it since I registered in november.
Sounds super sketchy. Maybe a really well disguised phishing site?
Good on your for keeping your funds off the exchange though!!!
Same thing here, actually ended up changing my password twice since the app didn’t work properly with the new password either. Since then no problem, but weird nonetheless.
Turn on your 2fa asap. Did you perhaps setup 2 accounts on binance? It’s not like it would be difficult, it only requires an email.