1. roadworn on 5. October 2018 at 16:50

    Yeah I can’t understand why that’s not an option! It would be so useful. I feel like I’m missing a piece of the puzzle somehow.


  2. lil_nuggets on 5. October 2018 at 16:50

    So basically “hodl, but if it falls out of this price range over or under, sodl”?


  3. arnique on 5. October 2018 at 16:50

    You need a bot for that.


  4. TheBossManGoalie on 5. October 2018 at 16:50

    As cynical as it sounds, it’s probably not a ‘thing’ in large part if not exclusively because the system you’re playing creates the rules. Those rules are not necessarily created the way they are to give you max benefit. It can’t be too easy after all 😉


  5. comfortabledrawing on 5. October 2018 at 16:50

    traders should be more aware of the chart than what people are saying, if they realized that, they will take profits.


  6. DeitsMeiner on 5. October 2018 at 16:50

    There will be software soon that can make virtual orders.

    Also with OTO order types.

    Give it till end of year and the first beta will come out. Produced in the Netherlands.


  7. gracesteel on 5. October 2018 at 16:50

    Its normal to loss and its also normal that you can take some profits. The key here is timing.


  8. SmartieHd97 on 5. October 2018 at 16:50

    Hey, you can use this website to max your profit:


    It’s offering Stop Loss AND TakeProfit at same time and the “trailing”-feature (it’s a god-send feature, it’s being explained on YouTube and on the Website).

    If yo use this referallink above you will get a 3 day free trial, 10% discount if you subscribe and 10$ starting money.

    They also have automated bots which are safely trading passive income for you, but with manual-trading with the “SmartTrade” function of 3commas you can make way more profit 🙂

    (My bot is currently trading BNB with aprx. 0.5% profit/day. I know, not that much, but it’s automated! Contact me if you need my bot settings, i’m fine to share 🙂

    The best thing is: i can finally go to sleep without sacing missing out pumps or dumps 😀

    Feel free to do some researches on YouTube or Google to check out all the nice functions (look at the “Trailing-Feature”!)

    Little explain:
    The features automaticly moves the StopLoss and TakeProfit with the price to max your profit.
    It’s hard to explain. Look here, it’s explained:



  9. lankyactuary on 5. October 2018 at 16:50

    traders haven’t taken time yet to figure this one out


  10. FlakerfLakes on 5. October 2018 at 16:50

    It’s ok to loss sometimes but at the end of the day we can recover of what i’ve loss to us.