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This thread literally just made me check ffs
If you check the charts every minute, you’re probably over invested.
People who got no money to invest
It’s easy to not check the price of btc when you only own 12$ worth lol, up or down it doesn’t really matter to me
Oh SNAP! I forgot to price check. BRB…
1 ban will always = 1 ban
I have it on my Apple Watch to remind me I own more bitcoin then 20,999,999 in the world ever can
i don’t ever check, i just follow the memes to get an idea of what’s going on
“What a wonderful world… in which I already made a ton of money thereby allowing me to be soaking up this view as opposed to punching a clock for the man or having to check the price of bitcoin with any regularity.”
beard guy is never so smart tho
You’re probably overexposed if you check the charts every minute.
So we’re not supposed to look at the chart, how do you then trade ?
DCA and move on; no one knows shit, we don’t even know wtf we are doing here on Earth, and people FOMO on the most random of things