With the integration of Kyber Network Protocol-an on-chain liquidity protocol that uses cross-chain interoperability to aggregate liquidity from cryptocurrency traders, holders, and blockchain ecosystem stakeholders, our users now have access to multiple decentralized exchanges. The exchange of digital funds takes place in an order book-less interface, providing a more natural way to swap cryptocurrency tokens instantly. To have a true ‘Multi-DEX’ going forward, we will include additional protocols to help realize more liquidity. Read more here 👉 [https://trustwallet.com/blog/trust-wallet-launches-multi-dex-support?fbclid=IwAR22ukmUrOB7lYaeFE7NR0bORxwPvxaUf9kTC8c0DTivFLPf_-sBocr15LA](https://trustwallet.com/blog/trust-wallet-launches-multi-dex-support?fbclid=IwAR22ukmUrOB7lYaeFE7NR0bORxwPvxaUf9kTC8c0DTivFLPf_-sBocr15LA)


[Trust Wallet launches Multi-DEX with Kyber Network Support](https://i.redd.it/yvitjdww8cc31.png)

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