BTC is the currency of the future. It’s not fully up these days to some, and it’s still a virtual and optional thing for some, but you’ll see very soon.
Havoc-Pretoriuson 27. February 2023 at 2:37
For sure, tyrants just like FC6
GingerDravenon 27. February 2023 at 2:37
Them government folks are clowns, what do we expect? lol
ToughEchidnaon 27. February 2023 at 2:37
you earning, they should be earning too
MindOverNachoson 27. February 2023 at 2:37
I’m going to move to el salvador.
Bitter-Dentiston 27. February 2023 at 2:37
they always make a law that will make people hardly to trade crypto
BTC is the currency of the future. It’s not fully up these days to some, and it’s still a virtual and optional thing for some, but you’ll see very soon.
For sure, tyrants just like FC6
Them government folks are clowns, what do we expect? lol
you earning, they should be earning too
I’m going to move to el salvador.
they always make a law that will make people hardly to trade crypto