Volume Returning… No Updates on Referral Re-implemention
Hello, as many of you are aware, a few months ago Kucoin without warning pulled the plug on one of the main parts of the whitepaper, the multitiered referral system.
Well, I have been waiting extremely patiently, but I always figured it would re-implemented before the market started to pick up. Well unfortunately I may be wrong, its been 4 months now (I think), and I have no god damn idea when it will come back because Kucoin won’t give us any updates other than “be patient”….
Well Kucoin the community has been very very patient but I think you are starting to take advantage of everyone’s patience, and you really owe us something, even a rough time frame would be incredible.
Sorry for the late reply, chenpha. As of now, we have no updates about the re-implementation of the referral system. I will make sure that this will be forwarded to the team. Thank you.
It may never come back.
In a response from Kucoin I was told the referral program was a promotion which has ended.
They also added when I asked if it was coming back….. that time and resources will be used for security and trading platform moving forward.
Don’t get your hopes up. Best you can do is buy KCS to keep earning passive income.
My problem (being a US citizen) is the tax forms. I hope they improve that area otherwise most US citizen will not be using KuCoin after they pay their taxes in 2019 because of the hassle.
Anyone who uses KuCoin find a easy way to get their trades into a simple taxable form rather then reentering everything into an excel sheet? If so please share.
I spent real money setting up tutorials and webpages, as I thought the referral program would be permanent.
Needless to say, it really sucked when they suddenly got rid of the referral system. I lost my hard earned money and I really hope kucoin does the right thing here.
Money talks, no way they are giving it back to us now they are an established exchange. Think of all the revenue they lose on people signing up from these social media infuncers! Kucoin realised they dun fucked up, hence pulled it in the middle of the night, with a pretty vague statement. Leaving people wondering like yourself an i if it would come back.
But the kick in the teeth is… they havent paid out back logged refferal payments. You have treated people who supported you in your earliest days pretty poorly.
Instead of fixing the problems, and making statments we have to go round asking you whats wrong. And all we get is “tech team is on it, please wait 1-2 weeks”. Its been going on 4 months now.
Its clear your customer support and tech team have a terrible communications system, because there are so many inconsistancys. Between what we are told an what gets done.
Just my 2 cents.
As a KCS holder that never used no referrals i hope it was just a promotional period.
Kucoin need profits to develop the exchange and to grow their staff base. Plus the more profits they make the more KCS get burned every quarter.
I think KuCoin is still in progress for their development, You see, It might take time for them to re-implement this so-called “Referral system” Due to its issue that keeps arising. They prior to address it than to implement those. Even though it’s written on whitepaper. It has a certain reason to do so.
If I’m not mistaken, they are not actually pulling it out, they’ve just suspend it as the volume of users increased massively. I also might be wrong with this though. We know that kucoin is somewhat new, I think they just started months ago? Like any other exchange, it’s normal to have some problem due to newly open exchange like them. I would like to see KuCoin go far beyond this point. Even though passive income like KCS bonus is making a bold winning, I hope fixing this referrals is one their top priorities right now.
There are no announcement regarding this, but I think the team is already working on it. The best thing we can do is to wait and keep our hopes up!
I’m sure Kucoin is already aware about this re-implementation of the referral system. Maybe they are currently working on it. I think you need a lot of patient for it and keep waiting for their updates about this.