When will Binance remove the EOS suspension and allow customers to access their tokens???


EOS is the highest volume traded token (for weeks now) but Binance is still holding off allowing customers to transfer to their wallets. What gives???
This excuse of waiting for stability with the main net is a joke and a feeble excuse.


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  1. igiveukong on 9. August 2018 at 15:36

    Dido that, I asked a similar question to them and received no reply. How can we get them to comment? hmmm



  2. johnnyhopseedz on 9. August 2018 at 15:36

    I agree with the poster , the mainnet is stable. There are plenty of methods to avoid theft. Staking the coins can allow you a 72 hour period to stop the transfer and change keys, also any major loss can be reversed by block producers. This is an excuse to keep the coins, they have a BP that is holding all these coins towards votes. If they open withdrawal now we will all pull out and Bianace is left with whoever in the EOS community that doesn’t care and leaves the coins on the exchange. EOS isn’t really just a crypto currency anymore it’s an asset to have on the block chain and staked.


  3. tehol-bedict on 9. August 2018 at 15:36

    EOS is so stable already. Stop being so shady.


  4. bakuDD on 9. August 2018 at 15:36

    Remember how Paypal used to hold customers money for several days so they could put them in some kind of index fund to earn their own interest on it?

    That’s pretty much what Binance is doing with everyone’s EOS. They must be making a fortune off of RAM trading.


  5. strongfree on 9. August 2018 at 15:36

    Your claim that it’s a joke is based on what exactly?