1. DeshawnKunde on 7. June 2018 at 14:32

    Hello l4wl1. We still don’t have any updates regarding this and we’re truly sorry for that. We will make an announcement as soon as we receive any news about the said airdrop. Thank you.


  2. rawoke777 on 7. June 2018 at 14:32

    Yup i moved my All my coins to binance because of lack of communication and delay !


  3. marelema on 7. June 2018 at 14:32

    Give up, they won’t lower the minimum withdrawal amount of Ontology from 10, they’re not going to give you the ONT you should have received. They’ll just keep it and hope you forget; seriously, that’s their MO, have a look at the sub if you haven’t already.