I used a wrong network for swapping eth.
I looked on the internet how 2 recover it but its difficult, probably due to lack of knowledge. Is someone interested in helping me for a compensation?

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  1. datag_x22 on 24. September 2022 at 16:40

    What do you mean by swapping on the wrong network? Do you mean a transfer to a network that you did not intend to? Like BSC? Just give more info.

    Also be aware that ppl might want to scam you, especially when you mention a reward/compensation. Good “guys” will help you for free and without needing to know your private keys.


  2. cheaters_dont_stop on 24. September 2022 at 16:40

    That’s an open invite for all those scammers to DM you. Good luck with that.


  3. Faerdoc on 24. September 2022 at 16:40

    If you used the wrong network your coins are gone.


  4. NarrowBike2259 on 24. September 2022 at 16:40

    Can you be more specific?

    You can try check the blockchain explorers to whichever you sent your eth to, if it’s in bsc, then send some bnb to that address to withdraw the eth and so forth


  5. [deleted] on 24. September 2022 at 16:40

    What the others said.
    First of all, make peace with the possibility that it’s all gone. Second, be a million times more aware of scammer than before. Now, from what type of location did you move it and where to? If it was from I.e. Crypto.com and you chose the wrong network I believe chances are slim to none to recover. Sorry for your lose. Hope it wasn’t too much. That’s why you send test amounts first but even then you might mess up networks by accident at the second try. More this is why I don’t do crypto anymore.


  6. Crypto4Canadians on 24. September 2022 at 16:40

    As long as you have your seed phrase to the wallet, you’re 100% okay.


  7. Ipichip on 24. September 2022 at 16:40

    Yes, bsc network. I wanted to transfer from binance to blockchain.


  8. sooth01 on 24. September 2022 at 16:40

    If you sent it to an address that you have the private key for, then you are probably fine. If you sent it to a contract, then it’s really about if the contract owner deployed to the same address on a different chain. This can be done by using a deterministic contract deployment, so it really matters in what network you were on and where you sent the funds.


  9. dcryptoguy on 24. September 2022 at 16:40

    What is the transaction hash?


  10. Ob23517 on 24. September 2022 at 16:40

  11. Ipichip on 24. September 2022 at 16:40



  12. Tipi_Tais_Sa_Da_Tay on 24. September 2022 at 16:40



  13. Alone_Revenue639 on 24. September 2022 at 16:40

    As it’s an eth transaction, if you sent to binance chain you simply need to switch to binance smart chain network on metamask and you’ll see your eth. Same goes for polygon, etc. by having the keys to the address you sent to, you have access to that addresss on all networks.

    However if you sent to an exchange, you very well may be out of luck.


  14. Deminero30 on 24. September 2022 at 16:40

    Did you send it to your boockchain.com wallet? I help with recoveries; you can check my profile, and I can help you out.


  15. BullionX on 24. September 2022 at 16:40



  16. DrVentureYT on 24. September 2022 at 16:40

    It’s gone it’s time to move on trust me I lost $1000 back in the day sending something in the wrong at work learn my lesson