Wrong value of dealPriceAverage (0.0) in order-details [Kucoin API]


Sample response on order details having wrong value of dealPriceAverage:

{“coinType”: “ETH”, “dealValueTotal”: 0.0, “feeTotal”: 0.0, “userOid”: “5a8037c33232923f851b2c96”, “dealAmount”: 0.1, “coinTypePair”: “USDT”, “type”: “BUY”, “isActive”: false, “orderOid”: “5b295ebf9350c83ac9cd24e7”, “createdAt”: 1529437888000, “dealOrders”: {“total”: 1, “firstPage”: true, “lastPage”: false, “datas”: [{“createdAt”: 1529437888000, “amount”: 0.1, “dealValue”: 53.476832, “fee”: 0.0001, “dealPrice”: 534.76832, “feeRate”: 0.001}], “currPageNo”: 1, “limit”: 20, “pageNos”: 1}, **”dealPriceAverage”: 0.0**, “orderPrice”: 534.76832, “pendingAmount”: 0.0}


Anyone else facing the same issue? And is Kucoin team looking into it?


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  1. vanfly on 28. July 2018 at 15:55

    > And is Kucoin team looking into it?



  2. whatdidusaybro on 28. July 2018 at 15:55

    i wouldn’t be surprised …

    can you do me a favor,

    can you see if get order details, returns feeTotal for one of your done orders:


    been getting 0.0 since yesterday and can’t figure out why.

    as usual, no news, no change log from their team so who knows what is going on with them.

    edit: i see you have “feeTotal”: 0.0 as well

    what the fuck is going on


  3. whatdidusaybro on 28. July 2018 at 15:55

    it’s true, dealpriceAverage, dealValueTotal and feeTotal all return 0.0 for some reason

    my thread got deleted

    maybe it’s a conspiracy i don’t know why would they be so secretive about something like this

    whatever, your loss i guess you dont like money, kucoin