instant order from sellphone application???


My instant order from sellphone application is in opened limit sell order for couple of hours…when will be transaction placed???

2018-09-05 16:49:57 []( Opened limit sell order (id: 2096910419, amount: 1.22 ETH, price: 218.12 EUR)


Petra U.

Dear Danijel,

thank you for reaching out.


According to our logs, you placed a \*limit sell order\*. With limit order you are able to set the lowest price at which you are prepared to sell or the highest price at which you are prepared to buy.


Since the current market price is \*lower\* than your set price, your order was added to our order book and is waiting to be accepted. Therefore you have not bought ETH yet and \*your balance stays reserved\* for the open order in question

Danijel Baumgartner


06.9.2018 02:05:10



I sell my ETH on your sellphone Bitstamp aplication…There isnt any options istant, limit, market or stop order???…I wonted to sell my ETH in istant order type!!! What can I do now?? I lost my money now?!

Zdaj pa še v slovenščini:

Domen ali kdorkoli že pozdravljen!…bom napisal kar v slovenščini…včeraj zvečer sem preko vaše mobilne aplikacije “bitstam” prodal v denarnico vse etre. Namesto, da bi se potem transakcija (kot že mnogokrat prej) izvedla takoj in bi bil denar viden v denarnici, je ta obtičala nekje v odprtem naročilu (open order)…vaš odgovor, da sem ETH prodal v “limit order” načinu, (čeprav v vaši mobilni aplikaciji opcij kot so instant, limit, market sploh nikjer ni zaznati) mi ni povsem jasen…skratka, mene zanima, kdaj bom moj denar v denarnici po ceni, ki je bila aktualna ko sem transakcijo izvedel…in seveda, kaj lahko sedaj naredim, ker je zadeva na čakanju in ne morem niti kupovati niti prodajati??? Lp.



  1. Bitstamp-Domen on 5. April 2023 at 0:17

    Hey u/danijelbangi, with our Bitstamp app our users’ can only place a limit buy/sell order. If you wish to place any other type of order you have to log into your Bitstamp account via our website. As my colleague has already explained your order was not executed because the price drooped and is currently lower than the price you set on your limit order. To cancel your open order, I suggest you log into your account via our website and select Open Orders. Once you do so you can select the order to be cancelled and click “Cancel” next to the chosen order.