Multiple Tabs
So, what’s with not allowing Multiple Tabs to be open on Tradeview anymore?
Since last week, whenever I open a second tab to keep my eyes on a different coin, the first tab automatically switches to the new one. Basically, I can only have one active tab at any given time.
I am using a Chrome browser and this is completely new behavior and TOTTALY disruptive.
So, whatever you did, **undo it**. And undo it quickly, please. I am assuming it has something to do with the “tokens” sent by Tradeview to the browser.
*Anyone else with the same issue or is it just myself for some unknown reason?*
Hi. Thanks for the feedback. I’ve forwarded it to the designated team and we’ll see if we can make any changes here
Hi again. This was fixed and you should be able to switch and see different pairs across different tabs now.
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